Having the occasional mind slip-up like forgetting where you placed your keys or recall a word can happen at any age. But cognitive decline such as consistently struggling to remember monthly bills or stay focused…
For many of us, walking doesn’t seem like anything special. It’s just something we do every day. But walking is actually one of the best forms of exercise out there. Studies show that this simple…
Cigarette smoking is very addictive and can have long-term, adverse health effects. But there is hope for those who want to quit thanks to innovative apps, help lines and proven coping strategies. In 2019, more…
How you start each morning has a huge impact on the rest of your day. By practicing a healthy morning routine, you can increase your productivity, decrease stress, boost happiness and more. Here are some…
It’s an age-old question: How often do we actually need to bathe? While many believe that daily body washing is essential for cleanliness and hygiene, others believe it strips the body of its natural oils…
Instead of mixing in the typical cream or sugar into a cup of cold-brewed coffee or iced espresso, many have been going for protein powder. The protein and coffee mixture has been dubbed proffee, and…
Here’s the thing about cholesterol: It’s not all bad, per se. As humans, we need a certain amount of cholesterol to produce hormones, vitamin D, and chemicals that enable us to digest foods. If your HealthLynked provider…
For sexually active women, the threat of STD/STIs and other infections is a fact of life. Educating yourself is the first step to stay healthy and live the fullest life possible. HealthLynked is here to…
When we think of insomnia, we often think of blurry-eyed college students, career-stressed professionals, and new parents. But there’s a difference between insomnia and a simple lack of sleep. All these examples reflect someone who…
Yearly mammogram screenings are a necessary step in maintaining your women’s health, especially if you’re at risk for breast cancer or are over forty. Early detection of breast cancer from mammogram screenings can reduce the…
In recent years, there’s been a shocking increase in the rates of gonorrhea among the population. In 2018, there were a total of 583,405 cases of gonorrhea in the United States, a stark increase from…
Ah, dieting. A world of fads, half-truths, and contradictory advice that make eating healthy seem like it requires an advanced degree. With all the claims and information flying at us,…
It’s happened to us all. You stare into the mirror in horror at a tiny stray hair sprouting from your nipple. A suspicious bump on the underside of your breast. Maybe one hangs differently than…
Modern medicine has come a long way. We’re well past the days of leeches and laudanum, but we still have a lot to learn when it comes to making personalized medicine the standard of care….
Americans spend more on healthcare than any other developed nation. Healthy citizens make for a more productive and happier country, and of course, investing in healthcare makes sense. The trouble is, despite spending $3.6 trillion…
Time catches up with all of us. We will all get older, our bodies will weaken, and that’s just part of being human. But there are steps we can all take to mitigate the symptoms…
We need our hormones. Hormones are the body’s messengers, telling it how to regulate mood, energy, metabolism, sleep, reproduction, and everything else that our body needs to survive and function optimally. Hormonal shifts occur in…
Summertime is full of fantastic weather, fun outdoor activities, and easy-going vibes that reduce stress and make us feel better, but it also comes with additional health hazards you should avoid. Read on to find…
Doctors are making house calls again. But this time, instead of knocking on your door, they’re communicating through real-time video and file keeping interfaces. Telemedicine isn’t a new concept, but with the rise of COVID-19,…
Another person is added to the national organ transplant waiting list every ten minutes. One person an hour dies while waiting for a transplant. Over 80% of waiting patients need…
You’ve seen it in the drug store. Perhaps you’ve even heard your doctor mention it to you. But what is ashwagandha, and what exactly does it do? Pronounced “aash-wuh-gaan-duh,” the plant is also known as…
Scroll through your social media feeds. Chances are, you see a ton of content describing “ancient home cures” and “all-natural treatments the drug companies don’t want you to know about.” Maybe…
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