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Profile ID: 1503031


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  • ThedaCare Orthopedic Care-Appleton
    2400 East Capitol Drive, Appleton, WI 54911


My background is in anesthesiology where treating pain associated with surgery is an everyday part of the job. I decided to focus specifically on pain medicine because it allows me to partner with patients over a longer horizon to better help them achieve their goals. I am committed to partnering with patients over the long term and address chronic pain by applying multiple techniques. Depending on the individual patient, this may include physical and/or occupational therapy; mindfulness and other techniques to understand how living with chronic pain affects the body at every level; a balanced use of medications with the goal of providing maximum pain relief with the fewest possible side effects; injections and procedures which focus on areas of the body that are “pain generators”; or minimally-invasive pain surgery depending on the cause for each individual’s symptoms. Bottom line, I safely and effectively provide my patients with multiple options for pain relief. And the best part is, I have the opportunity to see patients take control over their pain and get back to living the lives they want to live.


Pain Medicine


  • University of Wisconsin Medical School (2015)
  • University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics (2016)
  • University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics (2019)
  • Northwestern Memorial Hospital (2020)

Languages Spoken

  • English


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Matthew Fischer
2400 East Capitol Drive, Appleton, WI 54911

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